Linguistic Statement Analysis Technique


"Investigative Statement Analysis"

Proven Investigative Technology for
Understanding and Detecting Deception

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What is "Investigative Statement Analysis"?

Since 2003, LSAT (Linguistic Statement Analysis Technique) has trained thousands of people in "Investigative Statement Analysis".  ISA is a technical method of examining the content of a subject's language. Focusing on research from the areas of psychology, cryptology, linguistics, and mathematics, the analyst reveals the trends in language that tell if the story is the product of memory (truth) or fabrication (deception).

The analyst is actually able to view the crime through the eyes of the author, adopting their thought process to discover evidence, activities, people and hidden information they tried to conceal from the reader.

Armed with the truth behind the story, the analyst strategizes their interrogation and uses the author's own words against them to trap the guilty person and compels them to confess.

The LSAT analyst uses our validated, researched technique to search the statement much like a crime scene. They locate "language evidence" that is associated with deception. The liar uses unique wording, phrasing, content, structure and quantities of information that reveal not only if they did it but also, when, why and how they did it.

If you're not using LSAT, you're not getting
the whole story!

   This course is highly recommended for:

  • Criminal Investigators: Invaluable for homicide, sexual assault, theft, and all other crimes
  • Private Investigators: Who's telling the truth in divorce, theft, harassment professional misconduct?
  • ​Forensic Specialists: Is your evidence in conflict with or corroborated by your victim/suspect story?
  • Insurance Investigators: Arson or not? Is the claim legitimate or not?  Let LSAT tell you! 
  • Journalists: How credible is the story  your getting? Who can you believe?
  • ​Human Resource Specialists: Are your applicants being truthful? Who's telling the truth in your sexual harassment claims?  
  • Investigative Reporters: Plagued with vetting false claims. Let LSAT teach you to see through the smoke and mirrors.
  • Prosecutors: Give yourself the edge during courtroom testimony. Know the answers to your questions before you ask them!

LSAT Will Train You To Be A
Human Lie Detector

Web-Based Video Training

  • Our training is based upon years of research, study,  and experience by some of the world's top language experts.
  • Investigative Statement Analysis reveals what portions of a subject's story is true, which is intended to deceive the reader/listener, and also reveal additional hidden information including people, evidence and activities the subject intended to conceal.  
  • Our technique allows the investigator to save time and strategize their investigation by focusing on the aspects of the case that really matter and minimize wasted time pursuing dead end leads.

Professional Analysis Of Your Statements By Our Analysts

  • ​For those not trained in statement analysis, LSAT offers expertly prepared statement analyses, detailed conclusions and makes competent and dependable recommendations on how to pursue your case and implement an interview strategy to elicit confessions.

 We at LSAT do not abandon our clients after their training. We are always
a phone call or email away, eager to provide follow-up support.

Investigative Statement Analysis is a "Must Have" in These Applications

Legal Deposition Review/Analyses

For attorneys, LSAT analysts can be incorporated into the examination of the statements resulting from legal depositions to reveal the truth behind the words.

Pre-Employment Screening

LSAT strategies are incorporated into all phases of hiring including application/resume review, developing interview questions, interpreting interview responses, and background investigations.

Criminal Investigation

Law enforcement personnel incorporate LSAT into their case investigations to determine the veracity of information, given by suspects, victims and witnesses. Spend less time chasing dead end leads and more time focused on what matters. 

Private Investigation

Our techniques are used by P.I.'s to reveal the truth in cases of divorce, financial crimes, traffic crashes, sexual harassments, assault, claims of corporate misconduct and more.

Course Curriculum 

Over 10 hours of video lectures and practice exercises in this training. You will also receive bonus resources that will maximize your effectiveness and efficiency in the analysis process. 

Learn to be an Expert Statement Analyst

  • ​Understand mental processes of truthfulness and deception
  • ​Understand what valid statements are and how to collect them
  • ​Interpret​ analysis results by incorporating Validity Assessments
  • ​Gain insight into the deceptive mind to plan interview strategies.
  • ​Case study examination: benefit from experts'​ experiences.
  • ​Reveal 'hidden information'​ for a more complete investigation.

Once you master these skills you will be able to...

  • Elevate your overall investigate effectiveness
  • Utilize your investigative time much more efficiently
  • ​Minimize wasted time chasing dead-end leads
  • ​Maximize your interview and interrogation skills
  • ​Become a valued resource to your peers

Our Lead Instructor And Consultant 

Bob Shaffer

Bob Shaffer Profile Photo

Until his retirement in May 2023, Lieutenant Bob Shaffer was employed by the Loveland Police Department in Loveland, Colorado, since 1986. He was the commander of the Criminal Investigations Unit for the LPD. Since 1997, Lieutenant Shaffer has been a leading expert in statement analysis. He has regularly provided classroom training in statement analysis throughout the U.S., Canada, Asia, the Middle East, and Mexico, to audiences of law enforcement professionals, attorneys, arson investigators, private investigators, human resource specialists, and social workers.

Bob earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Secondary Education from the University of Northern Colorado in 1981. He spent six years teaching at the high school and junior college levels in addition to teaching law enforcement skills extensively in Colorado police academy programs. He has been featured regularly as a guest speaker at professional investigation conventions in the United States. He is a member of the teaching staff of P.A.T.C., (the Public Agency Training Council), the Ohio Police Officer Training Academy, and the National Association of Investigative Specialists. He routinely consults with law enforcement and private investigation firms nationwide to provide statement analysis for criminal and civil cases. His statement analysis skills have been used in a number of prominent cases including Brian Laundrie, George Zimmerman, Dylan Redwine, and Oscar Pistorius

Bob Has Provided Professional Analysis In The Following High-Profile Cases:

  • ​Michael Jackson sexual abuse case
  • ​Mark Redwine / Dylan Redwine murder investigation
  • ​Oscar Pistorius / Reeva Steenkamp murder investigation
  • ​Brian Laundrie / Gabby Petino murder investigation
  • ​George Zimmerman death investigation
  • ​Tiger Woods post-treatment speech
  • ​Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial testimony
  • ​Jerry Sandusky child sex assault case

Featured Presenter:

  • ​Public Agency Training Council
  • ​Naval Criminal Investigative Service
  • ​NCI; National Intelligence Center of Mexico
  • ​Signals Intelligence Agency (United Arab Emirates)
  • ​Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA)
  • ​New England State Informational Network (NESPIN)
  • ​Mid States Organized Crime Information Center (MOCIC)
  • ​Regional Organized Crime Information Center (ROCIC)
  • ​National Crimes Against Children Conference Presenter
  • ​Michigan Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council Conference
  • ​Court TV
  • ​The Duty Ron crime podcast


What others are saying about LSAT

"Great class"

“Great class, fantastic information. I loved the materials and practicals. Great instructor and hands on training that attendees will walk away with tools they can use immediately!

Al Brown;  Fort Collins PD; Fort Collins CO

I highly recommend Bob Shaffer for Statement Analysis

I have hired Bob on several of my high profile cases including a Michael Jackson sexual assault case. I have also hired Bob as my statement analysis expert for my on-demand training course "How to Spot a Liar in 7-Seconds or Less." If you are looking for the best of the best, Bob Shaffer is an expert in the area of Statement Analysis. He is always my first go-to for all my cases. He is always pleasant to work with and his analysis are impressive and superior to other experts I have used in the past."

Susan Constantine, Body Language Expert

Bob is a fantastic instructor

 His class was informative and I learned from his teaching style. Bob is always prompt in returning messages, email and phone calls when I have had the need to contact him with questions. I highly recommend Bob as a consultant and a instructor in Statement Analysis. He is one of the "goto" guys I call when I need a expert opinion.


Still have questions?



No, LSAT is not directly related to body language. Body language teaches students to recognize deception in physiological responses such as pupil dilation, pore size, skin flush, muscle tone changes, breathing, etc. LSAT teaches how to recognize deception manifested in linguistic responses. The physiological and linguistic responses probably originate in the same place, but become outwardly recognizable in totally different places: one in bodily responses, the other in language.

The benefit of LSAT over body language is that body language does not deal with information. While both can detect deception, only LSAT can reveal what the deception is because the reality behind their deception is revealed in their language.


LSAT is not an interview technique, but interviewing/interrogating strategy is covered in LSAT training courses. Interview and interrogation training revolves around learning “What questions should I ask?”. LSAT training revolves around “How do I deal with information the person has given me?”

LSAT student learn quickly that there is only one elementary question to ask to gain information to gain the truth: “Tell me what happened.” From this question, victims, suspects and witnesses all will provide the information the analyst needs to reveal the truth, even if someone doesn’t realize it or thinks they have concealed it.


No, LSAT is not handwriting analysis. Handwriting analysis involves either comparing one hand-written document to another or examining unique physical characteristics of an individual’s handwriting that reveal details about the person who wrote it.

 LSAT examines “what” the person wrote (content) and the manner in which they wrote it (structure). Unlike handwriting analysis, LSAT does not require a statement to be handwritten since it is examining the content rather than the style. Handwriting analysis and LSAT reveal different facets of a person’s statement, LSAT being much more revealing and useful, although both are valuable in filling a void in investigations.


LSAT allows an investigator to know prior to an interview or advanced investigation, whether the author of the statement is deceptive or truthful and in both cases reveals significant additional, hidden information the author did not realize they included that nearly always sheds a different, light on their story.

Instead of an investigator having to examine and question the veracity of every facet of someone’s story beginning to end as in a traditional investigation, LSAT allows them to know EXACTLY where the deception lies and attack it directly. In the guilty person, this creates guilt feelings and anxiety, bringing them much more quickly and easily to a point of confession. It prevents hit-and-miss interviewing and saves countless hours of frustration.

Ready To Get Started and become 
A Human Lie Detector?

Get started today to learn and receive all of the advanced training techniques for LSAT.